About Alessandra

I have dodged lightning and thieves. I am somewhere in between the star Vega and a piano depiction of a Paul Verlaine poem.

German-born Still and Motion Photographer, Writer, aviation enthusiast, dual citizen, Founder of Paper Letter Exchange.

For a period of 3 years I traveled to every US major city that had a mass transportation system with my former position at the US Department of Transportation in Washington, DC.  An assignment placed me a few blocks from the World Trade Center towers in downtown NYC on 9/11/01. A series of film photographs I subsequently took were published in a book as part of a larger collection by Harper-Collins and raised money for the NYC Firefighters Victim Burn Center. US Dep’t of Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta honored me with a certificate of Outstanding Achievement. My photographs went on a year-long 9-city national tour before being inducted into the NY Public Library for permanent archive in 2004. 

Since leaving the government sector behind in Washington, DC mid-2003, I have been a US-based still + motion photographer and writer for a range of publications. I had studied illustration and filmmaking at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA where I minored in creative writing. I am currently based outside of Philadelphia although my dual citizenship with Germany & the EU tugs at me! I photograph special events, food and wine, and still life for magazines and advertising both on location and in the studio.

When I am not traveling, I enjoy volunteering with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America and TEDxWilmington. In late April of 2018, I delivered a TEDx talk on the power of the handwritten letter and started a letter-writing foundation. I reviewed films on an international podcast for two years and have done voiceover work for XM Satellite Radio and others. In my spare time, I love playing the piano, watching espionage films, and working toward my pilot’s license. I am also working on a novel- ask me about it! 

Come say hi to me on Instagram: @Alessandra_Official and/or drop me a line at: ans@alessandranicole.com.

Website: www.AlessandraNicole.com

TEDx talk, “The Power of Paper Letter Exchange”: youtu.be/hgv3YzkRKTo

4 thoughts on “About Alessandra

  1. Happy New Year Alessandra! I am so happy you found my blog and subscribed. It allowed me to visit your lovely space which speaks to me, and so I shall now follow you! A wonderful way to start the new year, making new blogging buds. Cheers! Margie

  2. During a break at a TEDx event in New York, I met Alessandra and I’m blessed for having done so. That was in 2018. We chatted for a few moments then went back into the conference. Later that day I learned that she was preparing to share her idea of exchanging paper letters at TEDxWilmington. It’s a fascinating idea in this day of digital connections. We became friends on Facebook and I asked my wife to help me offer suggestions for her TEDx talk. Since then we’ve exchanged a paper letter or two, and post a comment now and then online. We caught up again in Wilmington when I went to celebrate Ajit Matthew George’s book and we remain connected digitally. Should life give you the opportunity to meet Alessandra, grab it . . . enjoy it . . . savor it. Oh, and what I thought was a happenstance meeting, I learned later that she’d been urged by Ajit to look me up and get to know me. Nevertheless, I’m glad out paths crossed.

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